Franklin Woodland Trails

Franklin Woodland Trails: A Community Vision Rooted in History and Growth

Tucked in the heart of Reisterstown lies a hidden gem, and RIA's dedicated Woodland Trails volunteers are working tirelessly to transform it into a vibrant park and outdoor haven for our entire community.

As we clear a path through this overlooked space, we envision the Franklin Woodland Trails becoming a beloved destination for family outings, offering opportunities for outdoor play, picnics, and relaxation. With its gentle creek and charming bridges, this scenic area invites all of us to reconnect with nature.

Just a short stroll from Main Street, these nature trails will transport visitors into a serene, refreshing escape.

For more information on volunteering or joining the Franklin Woodland Trails Committee, please contact:

Jeannie Andrews
[email protected]

Also Follow on Facebook for photos and updates HERE

The Legacy of Franklin Woodland Trails: A Community Effort to Preserve Nature and History

Our town's trail system began with a letter to the Board of Education in 1959, laying the foundation for what would become the Franklin Woodland Trails. In the fall of 1972, Kenneth Mays, Principal of Franklin Elementary School, and Carroll Swam, a 6th-grade teacher, surveyed the land to begin transforming it into a natural space for learning and recreation.

With the help of 6th-grade students who cleared man-made debris and rough walking paths (Chris Larkins fondly remembers raking during school recess), the initial groundwork was laid. A faculty committee was formed, and community members, along with a forester, became involved. The goal was to create outdoor classrooms and a space for the community to enjoy, understanding that as Reisterstown grew more suburban, the need to preserve natural spaces for both children and adults would become even more important.

Fast forward to 2018, when Jeanne Andrews, a certified Master Naturalist and Librarian, had a vision for revitalizing the trails. She joined the Reisterstown Improvement Association board, and the work began anew. Thanks to the dedication of countless volunteers, the Franklin Woodland Trails have made significant strides toward becoming a beautiful community asset. Volunteers have invested their time and energy, and their ongoing efforts have been instrumental in the transformation process.

The gallery below showcases our vision for the future of the Franklin Woodland Trails, which we believe can flourish with continued community involvement and support. There's still much to be done, but with the unwavering commitment of volunteers and the community, we can make it happen together.

Mark your Calendar!

Join us for monthly Revitalization Workdays every second Saturday at 9 a.m. Park behind Reisterstown United Methodist Church (RUMC) and meet at the trailhead. Bring water, gloves, and a buddy—together, we’ll make a difference!

Support the Franklin Woodland Trails: Donate and Help Preserve Nature

The Franklin Woodland Trails are a community treasure, and your generous donation can help ensure that this beautiful natural space continues to thrive for generations to come. Whether it’s through funding for trail improvements, habitat restoration, or the maintenance of this outdoor haven, your contribution makes a real difference. By donating, you're helping create a welcoming, sustainable space for families, students, and nature lovers to enjoy. Every dollar helps us work toward our goal of transforming the trails into a popular destination for recreation, education, and connection with nature.

To donate, please contact Jeannie Andrews at [email protected] or DONATE here

Together, we can continue to build a legacy of preservation and community pride through the Franklin Woodland Trails. Thank you for your support

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