Promotions Committee
 Bringing Community Together, Celebrating Local Events, Welcoming Visitors

The Vision of RIA's Promotion Committee

The Promotion Committee is dedicated to creating a positive image for Reisterstown Main Street by celebrating its unique charm, fostering community pride, and attracting visitors from neighboring areas. Through thoughtful planning and promotion of engaging events, the committee showcases the vibrancy of Reisterstown and reinforces its position as a destination for culture, history, and community connection.

Key Responsibilities Include:

  • Aligning promotional efforts with RIA's vision and supporting local community events such as Music on MainBlomin’ArtFestHolidays on Main, Shopping with Neighbors, BOOtacular, The Farmer's Market and more.
  • Creating and executing marketing campaigns to generate excitement and participation in Reisterstown’s activities.
  • Showcasing Reisterstown’s cultural traditions, historic architecture, and local businesses to attract shoppers, visitors, and investors.
  • Renewing community pride by promoting Reisterstown’s identity as a thriving and welcoming town.
  • Collaborating with local businesses, property owners, and organizations to maximize the reach and impact of promotional activities.

A Year of Celebration and Community Engagement
With a calendar filled with stellar events, the Promotion Committee has rekindled the vitality of Main Street, highlighting all that Reisterstown has to offer. Each event invites residents and visitors to experience the culture, history, and community spirit that make Reisterstown special.

For more information about volunteering or joining the Promotions Committee, please contact:
[email protected]

Bloomin' Artfest

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Music on Main

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Farmers Market

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